KERC's School Success staff have created a set of curriculum posters that are an overview of each grade’s specific expectations based off of Kwayaciiwin’s curriculum.

Each grade’s curriculum, for each individual subject, can be found on one 11 x 17 page. As you are working on your long-range plans for the year, these posters provide an easy way to view your entire grade’s curriculum.
Find below a PDF black and white version of the grade levels, kindergarten through grade 8.
Each includes:
The Arts
First Nation Studies
Geography (Grade 7 & 8, Adapted from Ontario’s 2013 curriculum)
Health & Physical Education (Adapted from Ontario’s 2015 curriculum)
History (Grade 7 & 8, Adapted from Ontario’s 2013 curriculum)
Language Arts
Science & Technology
Social Studies (Grade K - 6)
If you are interested in colour PDF versions, printed copies, or subject base files (opposed to grade level files), just sent me an email ( or give me a call (807-737-7373 ext. 27).